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Month: February 2003

Yanking Doodles #1: In the Margins of My Notebooks

Yanking Doodles #1: In the Margins of My Notebooks

Don’t let my transcripts fool you; I was not that great a student. I was one of those who tuned the teacher out and doodled in the margins of my notebooks. It’s a bad habit that’s followed me out into the real world; whenever I’m in meetings at work, I find myself drawing little faces on my notepad. Over the years, I’ve saved some of my doodles because someone convinced me that I should, and sometimes when I clean out…

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Midriff Crisis

Midriff Crisis

There is such a drawback to not having an ego. When I was younger and much more svelte, I could have easily worn all those midriff-showing fashions young girls are wearing today and have looked as though the clothes were made for me. Yes, I had the abs for it at the time, the muscular line down the middle, naturally developed after countless jumps and stunts, and it would have been the perfect look. But damn it, I just didn’t…

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Dancing To a New Toon

Dancing To a New Toon

So I think I’ve found an illustration style with which I can live for a while. When I first started doing digital artwork, I experimented a lot with the monochromatic style in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, in which I would flood-fill a canvas with a single color and then dodge and burn the hell out of it. Then I dallied a bit in a quickie natural media style while fooling around in Painter, but I didn’t really like the…

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The Endless Question: Selected Combinations and Corpses, Part I

The Endless Question: Selected Combinations and Corpses, Part I

I took a poetry course in college as one of my requirements in my writing major. In one class session, the TA had each of us write a question on one piece of paper and an answer on another piece of paper. Then, we were to pass our questions to the person on our left and our answers to the person on our right. Whatever question and answer combination we ended up with became our little impromptu “poem” of the…

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