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Month: December 2002

I’m Dreaming of a Wet Christmas

I’m Dreaming of a Wet Christmas

I must confess. I didn’t go caroling over the weekend as planned. The hostess needed to reschedule due to an illness in the family, but if nothing else pops up, we’re still on for the next weekend. It’s just as well that it got moved though because the week started out with darkened stormy skies, and today it rained steadily, so steadily that the road that I was on over the weekend is now flooded out. It doesn’t usually rain…

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Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

I saw the stormy sky and felt like doodling today, and doodle I did. This doodle. Nothing more, nothing less. Naturally, the doodle involved an alien and an alien sky, and as often as I draw this little scene, I still have no name for this guy. A screenwriter I know is in the midst of writing a romantic comedy sci-fi thriller, where the aliens look like us on the day the earth stood still, but when Mr. Sandman delivers…

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Saint Lazareth Shows Me the Money

Saint Lazareth Shows Me the Money

Money, money, money, money. After lunch today, I showed Human Encyclopedia a dollar bill that was given to me as change the other day. Obviously, someone unaware of the laws regarding U.S. currency, or even of the rules of grammar and spelling, took it upon themselves to start some kind of chain letter on this poor dollar bill. The writing reads, “ST Lazareth Anyone who Ree this bill will be bless with lots of money If they write This saying…

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Five Onion Rings

Five Onion Rings

Ogres are like onions. So if you want fresh minty breath for Christmas carolling, don’t chew on any ogres. I’m going carolling this weekend, and I’m looking forward to it. Last year, I went with a fairly large group, and our director Steph decided to give Human Encyclopedia a very special part in “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” He and another ogreish baritone in the group got to sing “five golden rings,” except there were no golden rings; they were…

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Life’s Defining Moments

Life’s Defining Moments

Who we are can sometimes be encapsulated in a moment. If you’ve read this journal for any length of time, you know about the lighthearted, less dignified moments that have defined my life, but like everyone else, I have a dark side defined by darker moments too. Human Encyclopedia tells me that I have a hard time gifting myself, and out of all the personal stories I’ve told him, he has determined my single most life-defining moment as being the…

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