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Month: November 2002

What’s Odd in this Post? I Dare You to Tell Me.

What’s Odd in this Post? I Dare You to Tell Me.

You, who read my log, I know you watch which days get marked as the month flies by. You like that, don’t you? The notes I send you? I’m glad. Keep your eye on it, and I’ll keep it up. You can bet your last buck I’ll have more to say as each month wanes. Right now I have just one thing to say, and you know I have to tell you that one thing in my own small way….

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Kodak Moment #6: Rock and Tootsie Roll

Kodak Moment #6: Rock and Tootsie Roll

One item of “stuff” I’ve kept from middle school is a Tootsie Roll bank, about 20 inches tall, with a coin slot in the plastic lid. I can’t bring myself to throw it out because it’s useful for keeping coins I never actually keep and because it’s tied to a Kodak Moment. I was in the eighth grade, and my P.E. class was scheduled to be in the auditorium for some kind of presentation. So my friends and I, instead…

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You Can’t Take It With You

You Can’t Take It With You

Stuff sounds exactly what it is: an unspecified material substance or aggregate of matter. Everyone has stuff. Some of us have a lot of it. Some of us have very little of it. Some of us drink beverages made from the best of it. Myself, I used to live and travel lightly. I would weed out all the bad stuff from the good stuff and keep only what I absolutely couldn’t live without—water, food, shelter, clothing, books, CDs, software, computers,…

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Murphy Hates Me

Murphy Hates Me

Everything that could go wrong, did. Not only did it rain on the day of the move, I hadn’t finished packing. From Friday morning to Saturday morning, I packed. Yes, that’s right. 24 hours straight. No sleep. The moving guys were at least an hour late on Saturday morning, too, and only two of them were sent—not three. The cat man, who arranged the move for me, had told them 9 pieces of furniture and 60 boxes. Naturally, he underestimated….

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Mid-Move Crisis

Mid-Move Crisis

In life, when people get close to death, they embark on some kind of journey to remake themselves. People on their deathbed rediscover religion. People in their mid-life crisis discover Porsches, bungee jumping, and young buxom blondes. Well… with the countdown to my move, I’m all about exploring the sleepy town I’m leaving. For the past few weeks, dinner has been at a restaurant—more often than not, someplace I’ve never tried before. It sounds perfectly normal, but what a strange,…

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