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Month: November 2002

Secret Message #3: Have Merci!

Secret Message #3: Have Merci!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I finally have my car back with its new alternator and battery, and I’m a happy camper. No prizes or extra Easter Egg this month, since I’ve been tied up with too many Murphy days. But next month: many, many gifts!! You’ll see. 🙂 Share this post:

Still Unpacking Silversteinware

Still Unpacking Silversteinware

With so many books and not enough shelves, I need help with stacking, so send me some elves. I need a new desk and some file drawers, too. I’ve got oh so much (far too much) crap stuff to do. I haven’t done laundry yet. Nor have I cooked. My pots are still packed, and don’t ask if I’ve looked. My plates are still hidden (I eat standing up), And oh what I wouldn’t do for a clean cup. I…

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Giving Thanks to Murphy for Mercy

Giving Thanks to Murphy for Mercy

I’m thankful that when Thanksgiving Day turns out to be a day like this, I still have optimism enough to be thankful about something. I had plans of course, more so than most people. I had two dinners to attend, instead of just one. One was with friends Rich, Joe, Jean and the Human Encyclopedia, 75 miles south of where I live, and the other was with family, an additional 50 miles south from there. I planned to drop the…

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The Feeling Is Nuptial

The Feeling Is Nuptial

Four guys and a girl in the art department, and I’m the girl. Two of the guys are married with two kids each, and the other two guys just got engaged this quarter to their girlfriends-turned-fiancées. So the women in the other departments have been giving me these looks, like they’re saying, “Ooh, and is April going to be next?” Like one of the guys just threw a wedding bouquet in my direction or something. And here I am, saying…

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Streetwise Guy

Streetwise Guy

Since I’m still familiarizing myself with the streets and stores of my new neighborhood, and since he is such the navigator, Human Encyclopedia did the driving tonight. Ever find yourself reading street signs out loud so you can more easily remember them later? Well… I do exactly that sometimes. It works better when you’re alone though; otherwise, people think you’re crazy. H.E.: As titillating as you find it the other way, that street is actually pronounced Gothard. April: Nuh-uh. Got…

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