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Month: October 2002

Happy Californian Grazing on Grass

Happy Californian Grazing on Grass

I had my very first shot of wheat grass today. If that sounds cryptic or illegal to you, you’ve never had that healthy trendy juicing kick. I was never the healthy trendy juicing type, but I was surrounded by the healthy trendy juicing culture throughout my college career, and now everyone at work has decided to get healthier, while some of them are even going to the juice bar up the street every now and then to get a fruit…

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Fast and Steady Wins the Race

Fast and Steady Wins the Race

So. If things go well, I’ll be moving closer to work within a month. This will eliminate about 2½-3 hours of driving everyday. Yes. I know. I’m crazy to be making that kind of a commute, and don’t think I haven’t already heard that from everyone else around me. The new place is actually just down the road from where I work, and I never again have to set rubber on the freeway at all if I don’t want to,…

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Two Guys, a Girl, and a Coffee Break

Two Guys, a Girl, and a Coffee Break

Life is good when you can have fun at work. A month or two ago, a couple of the guys in the art department and I decided to enrich our lives by having a little more fun, more motivation, more relaxation, and more exercise. We started walking around the block during our 15-minute breaks. Most of the time, it’s just the three of us, but we always try to get some of the other people in our department to come…

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Series Illness

Series Illness

Have you ever heard the saying so sick you don’t know which end to put at the toilet? Yeah, well I had that this morning after a bit of rice pudding with raisins. The rice pudding was fine last night, but this morning it tasted a bit like it had sour cream in it, and now I know why. It wasn’t any good, and my stomach rebelled. I almost didn’t go to work today, but after sweating bullets glowing like…

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Holy Moley

Holy Moley

I have a mole or two. Actually, I have more. I’m not sure how many, but when I was 18, I used to think I was developing a mole for every year I ever lived, so I might have near 30 now. Who knows? There are places on my body that I simply can’t see. Mind you, my moles are not like the prominently large, dark, hairy one featured on The Mole in Austin Powers in Goldmember. In fact, they’re…

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