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Month: September 2002

Secret Message #1: No Decoder Ring Needed

Secret Message #1: No Decoder Ring Needed

I have this thing for Easter Eggs, which is why in the second and third versions of my site—from way back when—I hid a couple of them for anyone who cared to find them. Well… I kind of missed doing that, so I worked all month on a secret message for this blog, log, journal, diary, thingamajiggy… whatever the heck this is. Yes, it took me practically forever, but I swear I’m not that slow or stupid. If you can…

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Girls Don’t Sweat. They Glow!

Girls Don’t Sweat. They Glow!

Not too long ago, my sister and I were discussing her workout habits via e-mail. She confessed to having fainted once from dehydration, while I admonished her about drinking more water, and then somehow the discussion turned to perspiration. Every time she comes out of the gym all sweaty glowing with perspiration, she thinks back to the time we took ballet class together. Now see here. When I was eight years old, my mother asked me if I wanted to…

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Trivial Pursuit of Happiness

Trivial Pursuit of Happiness

What is it about men and their egos? Two weeks ago, it was miniature golf. He said he would cream me, and as it was my first time playing, I believed he would. Well, I sucked, but I still beat him. One week ago, it was bowling. He was all fired up to slay me, and since I hadn’t been able to break 100 in the last two times I played, I believed he would. Well, he accurately said I…

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The Second Honeymoon

The Second Honeymoon

Husband: You know how all these years, I’ve been promising and promising to take you some place special one day, and I never do? Wife: Yeah, so? Husband: Well, today I got us some tickets out of town for this weekend, and we’re finally going on our second honeymoon. How do you like that? Wife: Really? Where are we going? Husband: To the moon, Alice! To the moon! Wife: Oh, Ralph! [No, I’m not married. No, I’m not 50 years…

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Please, Sir, I Want Some More

Please, Sir, I Want Some More

What she wants, I want. I want to actually use the French I’ve learned in school, live in Paris for a year, perhaps learn to cook there, and come home stylish and sophisticated—like Audrey Hepburn. I want to illustrate books and magazines for a living, and I want to sell original art and art prints on the side. I want a top-of-the-line PowerMac with everything on it, and I want to be able to pay for it all up front…

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