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Month: August 2002

Just ADD Sugar

Just ADD Sugar

Someone brought saltwater taffy to work yesterday and left it out so everyone could have a piece or two, and—not one to pass up an opportunity—I helped myself to several. Well… I might as well have been bouncing off the walls and making cattle calls after that; I was so high on sugar, I ran around the building like a maniac. I simply couldn’t sit still, and my co-workers noticed. One of them feared that I would overdose on the…

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Me and the Boys #1: Jay

Me and the Boys #1: Jay

For the first 20 years of my life, I’ve had a certain relationship with boys. I was either really good, close friends with them, or I would have hopeless crushes on them from afar—and never the twain ever met. That was about the extent of my relationship with the opposite sex. In the “close friend” categorization, there was my cousin Anthony, my cousin’s godbrother Eugene, the nameless boy with my last name in preschool class, Daman, and a few others…

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Curiousity Cripples

Curiousity Cripples

This week at work a couple of the guys have been talking about their kids and the things they’ve done recently. The creative director’s two-year-old daughter has apparently started answering the phone, and he spent 15 minutes of his lunch hour one day trying to get her to give the phone to mommy. The web programmer’s four-year-old son, on the other hand, gets into more sophisticated mischief; not only does he cut his younger brother’s hair, he moves files and…

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Kodak Moment #2: Pop Quiz

Kodak Moment #2: Pop Quiz

Eighth grade Algebra was a breeze. I was often the first one in class to complete a pop quiz. One day, I finished so far ahead of everyone else, I jumped right up to turn my paper in. I didn’t even bother to check my work; I’d been looking forward to spending the rest of the class sneaking looks at my biggest crush from across the room. So there I stood with my paper in hand. I slid my pencil…

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Job Security for Personal Assistants Worldwide

Job Security for Personal Assistants Worldwide

I’m an airhead. No. I take that back. With tutors, training, and a lot of ginkgo biloba injections I might be upgraded to airhead. Right now, I merely strive to reach the level of airheadedness. Two months ago, I made an appointment with an osteopath to figure out what’s wrong with my back. I wrote down the date and time of the appointment, and then I told my creative director that I had to see the doctor on August 2nd…

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