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Month: January 2002

The Day the Fairy Tale Died

The Day the Fairy Tale Died

I was working the day that Princess Diana died. The Saturday evening was slow, and all I needed to prepare was recorded captioning script for the replay of Larry King Live and network script for the CNNSI shows that night. Deep in my editing, I heard the CNN Breaking News theme song, and I immediately got out of my chair and took stock. One of the two captioners was in another room, alert and ready to take on an unscheduled…

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Odd Job

Odd Job

I’ve recently been thinking about one of my past jobs—one from about 5 years ago, when I was young, stupid, overworked and underpaid. It was actually my first “real” job on my own … and probably also the best ice-breaker I have on my résumé. Before that, I’d been living at home and working part-time at a movie theater, part-time as a piano teacher, with maybe some writing on the side. Oh, and I’d also been working full-time at a…

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Adventures in Marketing

Adventures in Marketing

Whoa, Nelly! More adventures in marketing and advertising. It’s clear to me that the slowing economy is doing damage to businesses. They’re having to let their good people go, so there’s no one to proofread their advertising copy or to put their marketing plans into action. Woe is them, eh? Last week, the web guy and I were doing research on the net, checking to see if our cookies and banners were working the way they were intended to work,…

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