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Life Happened

Life Happened

I haven’t blogged in two months! I meant to, but my schedule exploded. I suddenly had more hours at the day job. My social life took on another life of its own. Hiking scrapes, hardware failures, taxes, birthdays, falls from planes, sailboat tours, out-of-town family visits, and more love than I could imagine — in a nutshell, life happened. This time last year was an explosion of events, too, but back then it heralded a not-so-great year. This year, the…

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Couples Facebook Meme

Couples Facebook Meme

Silly memes pop up on Facebook every now and then — the copy and paste kind that encourages people to answer a bunch of questions revealing more about themselves or whatever. One popped up recently for Valentine’s Day, and naturally, it’s designed for couples. I decided to participate this time, and now I’m sharing it on this blog. Here is what I posted: In honor of Valentine’s Day, all married, engaged or dating couples: Make this your status and answer…

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Some weeks ago I saw the movie Hidden Figures, which is the story about three black women who worked as computers for NASA in the 1960s. If this movie had existed when I was a little girl, I think I might have chosen a different career path. I was one of those smart ones. I always did really well in the state tests, and I did better in math than I did in English. My teachers in elementary school kept…

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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday

I was at Mission Beach today, and I could not fathom for the life of me why traffic was so light on my drive there and why there were plenty of parking spaces at Belmont Park. It was the weekend, after all, and even on cool, gloomy days like today was there’s usually a lot more people around. It took me a while to realize, oh yeah, they’re at home getting ready to watch the game. By the time I…

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

I’m aware the inauguration is today. It’s a distant event that holds little interest for me because my own little world holds my attention right now with a fierce two-handed death grip. Whoever randomly broke my windshield last week has set off a chain of events that continue to plague me. I got the new windshield installed on Monday, but the guy installing it warned me that the windshield wipers may need to be replaced or fixed soon — not…

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